Foraging and Wild Food Workshop RECIPES

Chef Max Gordy has kindly provided his recipes from Feb 20, 2022. You can either view them online below or download the pdf following the link to the left. Enjoy!

Foraging and Wild Food workshop menu and recipes

Recipes from February 20, 2022

Foraging & Wild Food workshop, cooking demo & tasting with

Mike King of FindersEaters & Chef Max Gordy of Graze Wine Bar

1st course

Tempura piko piko, seasoned with porcini salt, pine and sunflower puree, and wood sorrel

2nd course

Ti kouka berry flatbread with kawakawa marinated tomatoes

3rd course

Roasted beetroot, pickled blackberries, and doc

4th course

Wild fennel and sweetcorn risotto

5th course

Lemonwood creme caramels with nightshade compote

Tempura piko piko, seasoned with porcini salt, pine and sunflower puree, and
wood sorrel

● Tempura batter
○ Recipe
■ 1L soda water
■ 400g flour
■ 100g potato starch
○ Method
■ Heat oil to 180c
■ Mix everything together until everything is just coming
together, if you over mix it won’t become as crunchy.
■ Toss the piko piko in a little flour and dust excess flour off
■ Dip into the tempura batter and fry until crunchy (about 3-4
■ Drain onto a cake tray to remove excess oil
■ Dust with porcini salt immediately once removed
● Porcini salt
○ Recipe
■ Porcini
■ Salt
○ Method
■ Clean your porcinis of any dirt/debris and dehydrate either in an
oven on low or in a dehydrator
■ Once dehydrated blend into a powder and mix with just
enough salt to make it delicious (usually i got 2 parts dust to 1
part salt)
● Pine and sunflower seed puree
○ Recipe
■ 200g sunflower seeds
■ 500g pine needles
■ 500g oil
■ 1g xantham gum
■ Salt
■ water

○ Method
■ Finely chop your pine needles into small pieces
■ Heat your oil to 80c
■ Add your pine needles and carefully blend with a stick blender
until nice and green and fragrant (alternatively you can use a
thermomix which makes this job much easier, just combine
everything and set thermomix to 80 and blend for a few
■ Strain out the pine needles from the oil and reserve the oil
■ Blend the sunflower seeds with just enough water to form a
thick paste
■ Add the xantham gum and slowly drizzle in 100g of pine oil
■ Season to taste (you might need to add more water depending
on what consistency you’re going for)
● To serve
○ Put the pine and sunflower puree onto the piko piko (be creative you
can do squiggles, dots, smears, whatever works)
○ Add some wood sorrel leaves to your liking (the more you add the
more sour it gets)

Ti kouka berry flatbread with kawakawa marinated tomatoes
● Ti kouka berry flatbread
○ Recipe
● 215g warm water
● 100g ti kouka berries
● 2 tsp active dry yeast
● ½ tsp sugar
● 345g flour
● salt
● 2 tbsp olive oil
■ Method
● Pick your ti kouka berries from the trees and leave them
in heavily salted water for a week
● Drain and wash the ti kouka berries
● Blend them up into little pieces
● Mix water, yeast, sugar, and 170g flour
● Leave for 15 or so minutes until bubbling
● Add salt, olive oil, ti kouka berries and remaining flour
● Mix then knead for 3-4 minutes
● Let rest for 10-15 minutes
● Knead again for 2 minutes
● Store overnight in fridge
● Leave in a warm place for about 1 hour until dough has
doubled in size
● Divide the dough into 8 even size balls and let rest for 10
● Roll into a 6” circle
● Warm the oven up to 240c and place a heavy duty
baking tray in the oven
● Place the dough evenly in the oven on the hot baking
● Flip after 2 minutes or until nicely puffy
● Serve hot
● Kawakawa oil
○ Recipe
■ 400g canola oil
■ 200g kawakawa leaves

○ Method
■ Chop kawakawa finely
■ Add kawakawa to pot of cold oil and whisk vigorously until oil
reaches 90c (another item that’s easier to do in a thermomix)
■ Chill
■ Strain
● Kawakawa marinated tomatoes
○ Recipe
■ Tomatoes

■ Kawakawa oil
■ salt
○ Method
■ Chop your tomatoes into small irregular pieces
■ Dress with the kawakawa oil about an hour before wanting to
■ Season just before serving
■ Strain excess juice
● To serve
○ Place a generous spoonful of the strained tomatoes atop the pita
○ Garnish with some baby kawakawa leaves 

Roasted beetroot, pickled blackberries, and doc
● Cumin roasted beetroot
○ Recipe
■ 3kg Beetroot (trim tops save for compost)
■ 2 tbsp cumin
■ Salt
■ Pepper
■ Canola oil
○ Method
■ Peel and cut the beets into 1cm wedges
■ Toss the beets in cumin, salt, pepper, and canola oil
■ Wrap in tin foil
■ Bake @ 180c for 40 mins (or until beets are soft)
■ Let cool and store
● Pickled blackberries
○ Recipe
■ 400g blackberries
■ 300g apple cider vinegar
■ 100g sugar
■ 50g blackberry leaves
■ Salt
○ Method
■ Bring apple cider vinegar and sugar to a boil
■ Add young blackberry leaves and steep for 5 minutes
■ Strain and season accordingly
■ Once chilled to room temperature add blackberries
● To serve
○ Dress the roasted beetroots in the pickled blackberry juice and nice
olive oil
○ Sprinkle over a few blackberries
○ Garnish with sour herbs like doc, sheep sorrel, or wood sorrel
Wild fennel and sweetcorn risotto

● Fennel creme fraiche
○ Recipe
■ Fennel tips
■ Creme fraiche
■ Salt
○ Method
■ Place creme fraiche in an electric mixer and whip until it looks
like whipped cream
■ Chop up fennel very finely
■ Add the fennel and some salt to your creme fraiche, folding
through your whipped creme fraiche, as to not whip out too
much air.

● Sweetcorn risotto
○ Recipe
■ 3 ears of sweetcorn
■ 600g arborio rice
■ 2 onions
■ 1 bulb garlic
■ 200g white wine
■ Water
■ Salt
■ 1 Bay leaf
○ Method
■ Cut kernels from corn saving the cobs for a stock
■ Combine corn cobs with cold water and bring slowly to a
■ Once at a simmer add bay leaves and turn down very low
■ Finely chop onions and garlic, add to pot with a little oil and
sweat until translucent
■ Add the sweetcorn kernels, cook until starting to caramelize
the bottom of the pan, deglaze with a little white wine
■ Blend until smooth
■ Heat pan with a little oil over medium heat and add rice
■ Stir until starting to caramelize and deglaze with white wine
■ Strain the corn cob and bay leaf stock and add it to your rice
ladle by ladle
■ Try not to stir the risotto too much as it will break the rice
■ Once the rice has reached a nice soft but firm bite add your
sweetcorn puree
■ Cook a bit further until soft rice and season
● Roasted sweetcorn
○ Recipe
■ 2 ears of sweetcorn
■ Salt
■ Smoked paprika
○ Method
■ Microwave the entire sweetcorn for 10 minutes at 60% power (or
steam it gently)
■ Place in cold water to cool
■ Peel off husks and cut into steaks
■ Place on baking tray and grill on high heat to color
■ Dust with smoked paprika
● Roasted fennel
○ Recipe
■ Fennel stalks
■ Salt
■ Pepper
■ Olive oil
○ Method
■ Slice fennel in half lengthways
■ On a severe angle slice 1cm pieces (want big pieces but less
■ Toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper
■ Roast in pan until nicely colored
● To serve
○ Spoon risotto in middle of plate (should be wet and not stiff)
○ Place a spoonful of fennel creme fraiche in the middle (should slowly
start to melt
○ Place sweetcorn and fennel around
○ Garnish with fennel fronds, raisins, and pine nuts 

Lemonwood creme caramels with nightshade compote

● lemonwood creme caramels

○ Recipe

■ 200g lemonwood leaves

■ 100g sugar + more for base

■ 200g cream

■ 550g milk

■ 6 eggs

○ Method

■ Combine milk, cream, and lemonwood

■ Steep this at 80c for about 4 hours or until flavourful

■ Add 2 eggs per 250ml of liquid

■ Bring sugar to a caramel and add roughly ¾ tbsp to the bottom of a metal ramekin

■ Let the caramel set

■ Butter the sides of the ramekins and fill with creme caramel batter

■ Place a tea towel on the bottom of a deep gastro and place filled creme caramels on top of the chux cloth

■ Add hot water until just below the filling of the creme caramels

■ Bake @94c for 60 mins (or until a nice firm wobble but not too wiggly)

■ Remove from oven and let cool in water bath

● Nightshade compote

○ Recipe

■ 300g nightshade berries

■ 100g sugar

■ Lemon juice

○ Method

■ Mix the nightshade berries and sugar together

■ Leave in a warm-hot place to macerate

■ Season with lemon juice

● To serve

○ Empty creme caramel onto plate

○ Place compote around creme caramel


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